Victus Laptops are now available in India starting at Rs 61,150. These laptops are designed for gamers and come with the latest NVIDIA graphics cards and AMD Ryzen processors. The laptops also have a sleek design and customizable RGB lighting.
SBI cardholders can avail a 5% cashback offer up to Rs 2500 on their purchases. The offer is valid on both online and offline transactions made using SBI credit cards. The cashback will be credited to the cardholder's account within 90 days of the transaction.
Cakes collections are available for purchase starting at Rs 810. The price range may vary depending on the type of cake and its size. Customers can shop for cakes online.
The HP EliteBook series is currently on sale with discounts of up to Rs 6500. These laptops are known for their high performance and durability, making them a popular choice for professionals. The sale is a limited time offer, so interested buyers should take advantage of the discounts while they last.
Chocolates are available for purchase starting at Rs 690. The price may vary depending on the type of chocolate and the quantity purchased. Customers can choose from a variety of options.
Printers come with a free standard 1-year warranty and a 2-year warranty pack. The warranty covers any defects or malfunctions in the printer. Customers can enjoy peace of mind knowing that their printer is protected for up to 2 years.
Orders can be delivered quickly and for free. No additional fees will be charged for delivery. Customers can expect their orders to arrive promptly.