The Marvel Collection is now available for purchase starting at Rs 325. The collection includes a range of merchandise such as t-shirts, hoodies, and accessories featuring popular Marvel characters. Fans of the franchise can now show their love for their favorite superheroes through this collection.
Get up to Rs 300 cashback with Mobikwik Wallet.
Happi Rewards has launched a new feature called the Happi Rewards Wallet Usage. This feature allows users to earn rewards points for every transaction made using the Happi Rewards wallet. The rewards points can be redeemed for various products and services offered by Happi Rewards partners.
Chocolate spreads are now available starting at Rs 245. The price may vary depending on the brand and quantity. These spreads can be used as a topping or filling for various desserts and snacks.
Customers can receive a 5% discount on their purchase by signing up for an offer. The offer is available to new customers who sign up for the first time. The discount will be applied at checkout.