Banggood Customer Care Details

Welcome to our blog post where we provide you with all the important contact information and links related to Banggood customer care details. If you have any inquiries or need customer support, you can reach out to us via email at for customer support or for wholesale inquiries. We also offer global WhatsApp support at +86-180-2244-6382. Additionally, we have provided important links such as Frequently Asked Questions, Help Center, and Wholesale Inquiry for your convenience. If you prefer using our mobile app, you can install it from the link provided. For delivery information, packages from local warehouses can be delivered within 2 days, while packages from China warehouses can be delivered within 8 days. If you have any issues with your delivery, please contact us. Lastly, you can also find us on various social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and Pinterest.

Check out: Flipkart customer care details

Banggood customer care details (Emails)

Banggood customer care details (Global Whatsapp Support)

  • +86-180-2244-6382

Important Links

Install App


  • Packages from local warehouse can be delivered within 2 days at
    the earliest, and from China warehouse can be delivered within
    8 days at the earliest.
  • If you have not received your item long after the delivery
    time, please Contact.

Social Sites

In conclusion, Banggood provides various channels for customers to contact their support team. For email inquiries, customers can reach out to for general customer support and for wholesale inquiries. Additionally, customers can also contact the support team through Whatsapp at +86-180-2244-6382. Banggood also offers important links such as Frequently Asked Questions, Help Center, and Wholesale Inquiry for customers to find answers to their queries. Customers can also install the Banggood app for a convenient shopping experience. In terms of delivery, packages from local warehouses can be delivered within 2 days, while packages from China warehouses can be delivered within 8 days. If customers have not received their items within the expected delivery time, they can contact Banggood for assistance. Lastly, Banggood can be found on various social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and Pinterest.

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