PACE Hospitals Coupons, Deals in India - July 2023

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PACE Hospitals is offering a range of health packages at discounted prices with coupons, discount offers, and promo codes for June 2023. These packages are designed to cater to different health needs and budgets, and offer significant savings for patients.

The PACE Gold Health Package is the most comprehensive package, and is being offered at a flat discount of Rs 12,486. The final price for this package is only Rs 2,999, which is a significant saving compared to the regular price. This package includes a range of tests and consultations, including a complete blood count, lipid profile, liver function test, kidney function test, thyroid function test, and more.

The PACE Silver Health Package is a more affordable option, and is being offered at a flat discount of Rs 7,251. The final price for this package is only Rs 1,999, which is a great deal for patients who want to get a comprehensive health checkup without breaking the bank. This package includes tests for blood sugar, cholesterol, liver function, kidney function, and more.

The PACE Bronze Health Package is the most basic package, and is being offered at a flat discount of Rs 2,821. The final price for this package is only Rs 999, which is an incredible value for patients who want to get a basic health checkup. This package includes tests for blood sugar, cholesterol, liver function, and kidney function.

The PACE Dialysis Checkup Package is designed specifically for patients who are undergoing dialysis, and is being offered at a discounted price of Rs 14,000. This package includes tests for blood sugar, cholesterol, liver function, kidney function, and more, and is a great option for patients who want to monitor their health while undergoing dialysis.

The PACE Gold Obesity Health Package is designed for patients who are struggling with obesity, and is being offered at a flat discount of Rs 1,500. The final price for this package is only Rs 5,999, which is a great deal for patients who want to get a comprehensive health checkup and consultation with a specialist. This package includes tests for blood sugar, cholesterol, liver function, kidney function, and more, as well as a consultation with a specialist to discuss weight management strategies.

Overall, PACE Hospitals is offering a range of health packages at discounted prices with coupons, discount offers, and promo codes for June 2023. These packages are designed to cater to different health needs and

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