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Eco Friendly Bags – Starting At Rs 71.99
Eco-friendly bags are available for purchase starting at Rs 71.99. These bags are designed to be environmentally sustainable and reduce waste. Customers can choose from a variety of options to find the perfect eco-friendly bag for their needs.
Personalized Kids T-Shirts @ Rs 225
Kids' personalized t-shirts are available for purchase at Rs 225. The t-shirts can be customized with the child's name or any other desired text. This offer provides an affordable and unique option for parents looking to buy personalized clothing for their children.
Business Banners Starting @ Rs 200
Business banners are available starting at Rs 200. The cost may vary depending on the size and material of the banner. This offer is likely to be beneficial for small businesses looking for affordable advertising options.
Hair Care Products – Up To 30% OFF + Free Gift
Hair care products are currently on sale for up to 30% off, and customers can also receive a free gift with their purchase. The sale includes a variety of hair care products, such as shampoos, conditioners, and styling tools. This is a limited time offer, so customers should take advantage of the discounts while they last.
Personalized Pens – Deals Starting At Rs 160
Deals for personalized pens start at Rs 160. Customers can customize their pens with their name or logo. The offer provides an affordable option for those looking for personalized writing instruments.
Free Shipping | Above Rs 600 | Hok makeup
Hok makeup offers free shipping for orders above Rs 600. Customers can take advantage of this offer to save on shipping costs. The offer applies to all products available on the Hok makeup website.
Buy Desk Calendars Starts At Rs 370
Desk calendars are available for purchase starting at Rs 370. The price may vary depending on the type of desk calendar chosen. Customers can purchase these calendars from various retailers or online stores.
Get Rs 200 OFF On Orders Above Rs 1400
Customers can get a discount of Rs 200 on orders above Rs 1400. The offer is applicable on all products. To avail the discount, customers need to use a coupon code during checkout.
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