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Customizable Home Packages Starting At Rs 39999
A company is offering customizable home packages starting at Rs 39,999. The packages include furniture, appliances, and decor items. Customers can choose from different themes and styles to create their ideal home.
Avail Customizable Package For Your Home At Rs 89,999
A customizable home package is available for Rs 89,999. The package can be tailored to fit the specific needs of the customer. It is an affordable option for those looking to furnish their homes.
By signing up for the World of Smartsters, customers can receive an extra 10% discount on their first purchase. The offer is available to new members only. The World of Smartsters is likely a loyalty or rewards program for a company or brand.
Women's jumpsuits and dresses are available at a discount of up to 70%. The offer is available for purchase.
Men Shirts Starting At Rs 399
Men's shirts are available for purchase starting at Rs 399. The price point suggests that there are likely a variety of options available at different price points. The text does not provide any additional information about the shirts or where they can be purchased.
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