If you are a customer of My Tokri and need assistance, you can easily reach out to their customer care team. One way to contact them is through their number. However, if you are looking for customer care number, you may not find it in the given content. Customers can reach out to “My Tokri” customer care for help with placing orders, order tracking, order modifications, and any other order-related queries. We can handle inquiries related to returns, exchanges, and refund processes, ensuring a smooth and efficient resolution for any return requests.
View more: Pantaloons customer care details
My Tokri Customer Care details (numbers)
My Tokri Customer Care details (Contact Email)
My Tokri Cancellation & Return Policy
My Tokri Address & Office Locations
Webbyte Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
125, Chandra Tower
Jai Complex
Rajasthan – 301001
My Tokri Social Links
In conclusion, if you need support from My Tokri, there are several options available to you. You can reach out to their numbers, specifically the WhatsApp support line at 89493-05923. The customer care support would have specific operating hours during which customers can contact them for help. You can contact them via email at auctions@mytokri.com or jobs@mytokri.com. If you have questions regarding their cancellation and return policy, you can find more information on their website. This website would likely encourage customers to share their feedback and suggestions to help improve their products and services continuously. If customers encounter any problems with their orders, delivery, or products, “My Tokri” customer care should be able to help resolve these issues promptly and satisfactorily. Finally, if you prefer to connect with My Tokri through social media, they have active profiles on Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Pinterest, and Instagram. With these various avenues for support, My Tokri aims to help their customers in the most convenient way possible.